Tuesday 9 October 2007

Where To Begin?

Well, where to begin? I made a decision today that it was the right thing for me to become a regular blogger. Only time will tell whether or not this is a good decision but at the moment it feels like a good one.

There is much to look forward to and despite winter drawing on with the inevitable journey to and from work to be made in the dark a little light is always to be welcomed, particularly as I use my bicycle for the journey and it has no lights!

Calne is a very wet and dreary place today and were it not for the fact I have no chores this evening and can have a leisurely evening I think I would become miserable.

Just seen the news about police force ratings and it looks like Wiltshire Police haven't fared to well. Seems like the BNP pushing home the point about lack of resources to deal with law and order seems to have been spot on. Not much to crow about really, as the victims of crime are the ones that need the support and these are increasing all the time. Will there ever be a time when the punishment fits the crime? One day there will, one day!


b.whitehall said...

Keep it up Blaggy,I like it.

Robert Baggs said...

Many thanks b.whitehall I shall try.