Wednesday 10 October 2007

Mr Magpie

Mr Magpie is how Chancellor Alistair Darling, he of the silver hair and black eye-brows, is being reported today after stealing Conservative plans for his mini-budget announced yesterday. I think we can all agree that this is a bit underhanded, but isn’t that what politics is all about? Politicians are never going to get anywhere unless they utilise the concerns of the electorate to develop policies and strategies in order to appeal to that electorate.

The thing is, how far do you go? The BNP seem to have had more foresight than most with policies that were developed by taking into account a long-term view rather than a short-term one that is created just to appeal to voters. That’s why they haven’t been as successful as they might like, but by looking at the bigger picture, which has proved the party correct, they can be seen as having vision resulting in the increase in popularity now being experienced as the electorate are realising that the BNP were right all along.

Back to the old magpie syndrome. Maggie Thatcher, whether you love her or hate her, has to have been the greatest post-war leader this country has seen and was a bit of a magpie herself. In the late 70s the National Front were becoming a force to be reckoned with and Maggie the Magpie essentially undermined their progress by suggesting in the run-up to the 1979 election, that she would get tough on immigration. As a result she got the anti-immigration vote and consequently caused the decline of the NF which then became the tiny and insignificant party it is today.

Over the last five or so years immigration has been a major theme for all of the major parties who have essentially been playing to the tune the BNP composed years ago. However, the BNP are “racist” for speaking about immigration but everyone else isn’t! For their stance on immigration there should be credit, where credit is due, but doesn’t it just go to show that the Big 3 are all fearful of the success the BNP is having?

Last week we were gearing up for another general election. This time it was the turn of UKIP to join the magpie flock. Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, said at their conference, that he wanted to see all immigration to the UK halted for the next five years in a bid to take the strain off public services. Again, the BNP have been saying this for years! Funny how we were given to understand, by non-BNP politicians, that immigration is good for the country. You can’t have it both ways Mr Farage, or was this just a ploy to steal the BNP vote? You’re no Maggie, Nige!

So, in looking ahead, remember this prediction of mine – in the next 10 years this country will suffer from major civil unrest at least, God forbid what else at worst but carry on all you blinkered members of the electorate who think that Labour, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats or even UKIP will save you.

Have another look at the BNP, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

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