Tuesday 23 October 2007

Poles Apart?

Poles Apart? Did you know that five years ago that 3,000 of the Polish immigrant population here registered to vote in the Polish elections taking place in their homeland? This weekend I heard that 69,000 Polish immigrants registered for this years elections. That's a massive increase, these figure perhaps having a small influence on the latest population estimates announced today. Apparently by 2016, a mere 9 years away, the population is estimated to reach 65 millions! That will be an increase of 4.4 million on our current population, an increase of nearly 1,400 per day. It gets worse, by 2031, the population is estimated to reach 71 millions and by 2051, 77 millions. I can remember when I was at school, around 30 years ago, the population was around 52 millions, so potentially in my life time the population of these islands will have increased by around 50%.

Of this increase of 4.4 millions by 2016, 2.3 millions are estimated to be as a result of natural increases in the population, that is the birth rate. Now, I don't know about you, but I understood that the birth rate of the indigenous white British population was decreasing, but according to the news bulletins that carried this story the birth rate is increasing as a result of more thirty and forty somethings having children late in life. Some of the increase may be due to that factor but I have a feeling that by making this statement the media were actually hiding the fact that the main reason for the increased birth rate is down to immigrant populations having more children. All of this adds weight to the idea that the true Brit will become a minority in his own land in our lifetime! A sobering thought.

However, do not despair as the reports also stress that these figures are estimates only and will only occur should the government take no action on immigration. There you have it, there is an implication that the government is going to take some action to curb the currently excessive immigration levels in order to avoid further stretching the NHS, social services, housing, education, law and order etc., etc., even further than it is stretched already. Of course I do not think for one minute that there are any plans in place to do this and if any are announced whilst Gordon Brown is Prime Minister I will gladly admit what a fool I was for doubting him.

It seems that those who have been expressing their concerns about immigration for the last twenty or thirty years are being proved correct. I think that come election time people should remember that!

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