Friday 19 October 2007

Simon says “Are you ‘hattist’?”

Simon says “Are you ‘hattist’?”

After writing, in my blog of Thursday 11th October, about the tendency for the local rag, the Wiltshire Gazette, to occasionally publish a sensationalist story to boost their sales, another piece of incisive journalism appears in this week’s edition.

A couple of weeks ago there was a front page piece informing the local people that the National Front were coming to town and would be holding a march there. Now, any of us that are involved in Nationalist politics and really care about what is happening in this country know that the national membership of the NF probably only just creeps into three figures. So I fail to understand how the paper thinks a march could be organised in a town like Chippenham, which for now, is far removed from the multicultural nightmare suffered in other parts of the country where you might think any support for the NF might be found. Anyway, apparently the march was cancelled although it is reported that a local meeting was held with thirty in attendance – I don’t think so!

However, in this week’s editionof the Gazette, when everyone had just about forgotten about the NF, what do we see? Inside, on page 5, lo and behold, headlines saying “Protest March Over National Front Bid”!

Apparently local teenager Simon Messenger, an 18 year old youth worker at the Bridge Centre in Chippenham has decided to launch a campaign against the decision of the NF to set up a youth branch in the town. Again, does anyone seriously believe the NF has enough support anywhere to set up specific groups for youths and in Wiltshire? Simon said he is all for freedom of speech….but ….this will turn Chippenham into 1930’s Germany with little Hitler’s running around discriminating against minorities and he cannot sit back and let it happen. Obviously Simon needs to have a good look at society in general and see we already have little Hitler’s running around trying to indoctrinate us with what is called political correctness. Also I suggest Simon takes up a hobby as I think he is a little confused in not wanting to sit back and let nothing happen (?). Irrespective of common sense, Simon is aiming for more than 100 supporters and a two hour march, presumably very, very slowly, through the centre of Chippenham in December and is setting up an internet forum on MySpace over the next few weeks.

Why this fellow feels the need to get involved is actually explained towards the end of the article which can be found HERE. Apparently Simon was assaulted by a gang of 20 youths in the town centre last year for ……… wearing a leather cowboy hat.

Perhaps I now know why the National Front is such a tiny and insignificant group – its policies discriminate against those who wear hats!

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