Tuesday 16 October 2007

Ming! They're Merciless!!

Ming! They’re merciless!!

Everyone is probably now aware that Menzies Campbell has resigned as the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Nothing has been seen or heard of him since the announcement was made yesterday evening so it seems likely he was forced out by his “colleagues”. What with a change in what I suppose you could loosely call the “leadership” of the Labour Party and the likelihood of a challenge to David Cameron if he doesn’t maintain his recently achieved lead in the polls, we will have had a clean sweep at the top of the big three parties.

What does this say to the voters and members of these parties? I think it shows that they haven’t a clue. At a time when there is so much social upheaval, uncertainty and discontent in the country what is needed is stability, strong leadership and a vision, a vision that reflects the concerns of the electorate and the policies to show a real desire to put things right and not policies created for political points. There is no reason that the whole face of politics shouldn’t be turned over with the major parties losing out to the smaller ones and with the big three eventually being replaced as main players. The time is right, all of the conditions are there, it just needs a lot of effort to capitalise on all those strands in life that concern people most, the NHS, education, law and order, immigration and so on. The big three have had it relatively easy for some time now and I believe it is time for them to move over and make way for those who really have the interests of the British people at heart. I’ll leave you to decide who that might be!

In an earlier blog I mentioned the increase in occurrences of the once unheard of infections associated with MRSA and C difficile. I understand that one of our brave young soldiers, the youngest actually, to have been injured in the conflict in Iraq has returned to England for treatment and has consequently been infected with not one of these bugs, but both. What message is this sending out to our troops who daily put their lives on the line in a conflict that should never have happened? I am sure the outcome would have been different had the military hospitals remained open, but no, our government knows best again.

On a similar theme, we may or may not agree with the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I think as British people we are duty bound to support our soldiers, sailors and airman in whatever they do for Queen and Country. They are only acting under orders as a result of government policy so if we have a problem with that we know who we should take our anger out on and it’s not the men and women serving in the armed forces. That’s why I find it extremely sad that where our soldiers have been allowed to parade through the streets of the towns in which they are stationed they are not met with cheering crowds but pretty much no-one. We may sometimes find the Americans way of doing things a little odd, but at least they get out and show the support that their armed forces deserve.

Finally, on a lighter note, my traditional roast beef Sunday lunch was excellent, enjoyed by all and even if I do say so myself having cooked it, the beef was perfect. Later on that afternoon as the weather was almost summery, not at all what you might expect in October, my girlfriend and I went for a lovely walk around the village of Lacock which is only a short drive away from where I live. To walk around this quaint old village makes you feel as if you have travelled back in time a couple of hundred years as it has remained largely untouched for so long. If you are unfamiliar with the village search for it on the internet, it truly is a wonder and has been used in filming numerous costume dramas for the television and big screen. The day was topped off by a quick drink, sitting in the garden of a nearby pub taking in the last of the sunshine. Splendid day, oh, and mine’s a pint of Molecatcher!

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