Monday 22 October 2007

BNP Meeting In Corsham - Alan Lill

One of the highlights of my weekend was attending the latest British National Party meeting in Corsham, for a full report see HERE. Such meetings are not just great occasions for meeting and catching-up with old friends but also to meet new ones and to hear speeches from Party members and officials, on this occasion we heard from, amongst others, Councillor Mick Simpkins and Arthur Kemp. Such speeches serve to inspire members and supporters into becoming more involved with what we are trying to achieve as there is a lot of work to be done and not a lot of time to do it. We have come a long way in North Wiltshire from the meetings we held 5 or so years ago to what was achieved in Corsham yesterday with approximately 100 in attendance.

However, the highlight of the meeting for me was meeting a man that I haven’t seen for some time, a man that I have probably only encountered on a half-dozen occasions but nevertheless I count him as a friend. Alan Lill has been a real inspiration for me particularly and should be an inspiration for Nationalists everywhere. I owe Alan a huge amount of gratitude, as I met him for the first time when, as we do from time to time, feel a bit demoralised and lacking in motivation because of the extent of our struggle. I was taking a break from politics for a while and he encouraged me to play my part and not to sit back. Alan, quite frankly made me feel a bit pathetic, not deliberately of course, but because of his enthusiasm to keep on with the fight and also because he has been involved with the Nationalist cause for almost all of his life which is actually for more years than I have been alive! For a short time, whilst living in the area, Alan was out and about on his own, on the streets of Calne and surrounding towns and villages at the crack of dawn every day putting leaflets through letterboxes and generally spreading the word.

However, the real inspiration that all Nationalists must take from Alan was as a result of yesterday’s meeting. I am sure he wouldn’t mind me saying, but Alan is very unwell indeed and arrived at yesterday’s meeting in a wheelchair as he is so unwell that walking is now difficult. Apparently Alan was absolutely determined to attend the meeting despite his illness but unfortunately, as he was suffering a great deal of discomfort had to go home mid-way through it.

I think the message from all of this is quite simple – if people like Alan are prepared to make the effort, like he did yesterday, under the circumstances he now finds himself in, to attend a meeting and show support, then there is absolutely no excuse for others not to stand up and do their bit. It would be nice to think that Alan sees this blog and knows that his efforts are very much appreciated, not only by me but by Nationalists everywhere. I certainly feel proud to be associated with him and hope that the inspiration I have gained from this experience will rub off on all those that read this.

God bless you Alan, take care my friend.

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