Monday 20 December 2010

Nationalists On-line?

One of my New Years resolutions will be to refrain from writing on and reading the various political forums that exist. (Forums or fora? Apparently Google lists 3,720,000 entries for fora and 119,000,000 for forums, so forums it is then!) I have found them useful in the past reading them for information and using them to make controversial postings and provoke debate. This has its benefits but these are few and I consider my time better spent in positive and constructive activities.

Over the years I have been a member of and have posted on Stormfront (Britain), the old BNP forum which existed for a couple of years around 2007/2008, Nationalists Online and of late the Democracy Forum. The latter differs from the others in that it is a general political forum rather than a specifically Nationalist forum, although sections within it are.

Both the BNP forum and Nationalists Online forum were relatively short-lived and are no longer available. A few years ago Stormfront was once seen as the most popular forum to post and keep up to date but that, of late, has seemingly become used much less being replaced by the VNN forum. For some strange reason I was unable to register with that thankfully, so have until now utilised the Democracy Forum which seems quite active.

As said, all of these forums exist, with the exception of the Democracy Forum, to further the aims and objectives of Nationalists but in reality the sad thing about all of them, including the Nationalists sections of the Democracy Forum, is that the majority of those posting either wish to undermine such activities or belittle others. In doing so they create tensions amongst Nationalist groups and consequently do the exact opposite of what I thought they were supposed to be doing. So much for working together towards the future we all seek – our opponents must be falling about laughing!

Admittedly, getting involved in debate on some threads is addictive and often results in heated arguments and reactionary postings that, in retrospect, may have been better left unsaid or unpublished. However when you analyse the actual impact of anything published on these forums it is obvious that only a tiny fraction of people see what is going on, so it is not a case that, by posting good Nationalist items, the cause will be furthered by the generally inquisitive internet user searching for his true political home. It just doesn’t happen. I know that there are good Nationalists who post regularly but they are vastly out-numbered by those who are on-line simply to criticise or belittle and generally do their utmost to undermine any good that might be gained from the existence of such forums. Consequently the time spent posting and reading posts is wholly disproportionate to any good that may come from doing so.

The Democracy Forum is a prime example of where these negative, so-called Nationalists, can be destructive and divisory with pretty much all threads containing examples of posts of a negative nature, but although it may appear to be the place to be, it serves only itself and not the cause.

My understanding of political activity is that it is the inter-action between those who are prepared to stand up and make a difference and those who need help and guidance in making the right decisions for a better future for themselves and their community. It is not about bickering on forums by, those who think a difference can be achieved by involving themselves in low-brow discussions and debates from the comfort of their own homes, such debates only being seen by those Nationalists who know of the existence of such for and certainly not by the public that need to be won over.

To make a difference we need to get out on the streets and meet the people, write letters to newspapers, and leaflet the streets and hold meetings. Keyboard warriors need to get out more, literally. Only by getting out and about will we make the difference that is necessary to change things for the future we all seek.

Friday 17 December 2010

Seeking My Political Home – Part 3 of 3

See Part 1 for an introduction to this article and remember this was written around 15 years ago.

I had to join a party who believed in a Britain for the British, where the needs of the indigenous population were put first. I wanted a country where immigrants are not given preferential treatment in employment and housing matters and where the return of these immigrants to their own countries was deemed the best solution to the failure the multi-cultural society. Within those of ethnic minorities living in Britain there are people who have many skills, doctors, for example, which their own countries are crying out for.

I wanted a Britain that was able to retain a separate identity and control its own interests and economy, where it was possible to buy quality goods with a “Made in Britain” label on. A Britain free from a European Union, the Ecu and Brussels. A Britain which would stand up for its workers and industry,

I wanted a Britain which believed in traditional family values, one that would stand up to those wishing to infiltrate and upset his way of life.

I wanted a National Health Service whose main concern was the welfare of the people and not with determining whether adequate funds were available prior to treatment.

I wanted people to feel safe in the streets and in their homes. I wanted tougher prison sentences to help reduce the lawlessness in our society, prisons where criminals were not treated with kid gloves and where murder was punishable with the death penalty.

I wanted an independent defence force for our lands. I wanted the reintroduction of a form of National Service which would create a pride and purpose in the youth of the day resulting in a sense of responsibility to the nation.

I wanted the environment, the land, the air, the waters and the wildlife and their habitats to be properly protected.

I wanted a monarchy, a democracy and the freedom of speech for all.

The way forward was obvious. Only the National Democrats have policies which match the values and beliefs I have. It is a party which is not afraid to stand up and speak for the true British people. I believe the National Democrats are cementing the foundations in readiness to build towards government. I have been a member for three years now, there is no alternative. Only the National Democrats have the will to make Britain great again.

Well, there it is, a basic introduction to my early days in politics. Much has happened in between then and now and in future blogs I hope to fill in the gaps with general experiences, details of specific activities and thoughts I had at the time and have had in retrospect. It should include experiences as Secretary of the West Yorkshire National Front and selling The Flag at Elland Road on match days, via the National Democrats, to Wiltshire Organiser, South West Regional Chairman, Head of Personnel and Advisory Council member of the British National Party, various Red White and Blue Festivals, the Finsbury Park mosque demo and numerous elections, up to my current position as newly appointed Wiltshire Branch Chairman of the English Democrats.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Seeking My Political Home – Part 2 of 3

See Part 1 for an introduction to this article and remember this was written around 15 years ago.

I still wanted to change the world and believed then and still do now, that we all have a part to play in how we protect our futures. By doing all we can to protect the environment, by ensuring our planet is a safer, cleaner place in which to live, we are acting in the interests of every living creature. In my late teens the Ecology Party (now the Green Party) seemed a new and exciting entrant in British politics. I was so convinced that the world would be a better place because the Ecology Party was there to make it so I joined, but solely because of their environmentally friendly policies.

After following them through the 1979 General Election I realised that their very existence had created a sympathetic awareness of environmental problems. Consequently all other parties realised the vote winning potential of these sympathies and developed their own “green” policies. The Ecology Party was essentially a very effective pressure group in this respect and I believe that although a political failure, it has been a great success in creating this environmental awareness amongst the general public and consequently the demand for the establishment to do something about it. As far as I was concerned the Ecology Party had served its purpose, the awareness of environmental issues had been brought to centre stage, any other policies were irrelevant and seemed too left wing for me anyway.

I was now married with a family and wanted something for me as an individual and consequently my dependents. I wanted to go far in career terms, I wanted more money, a better standard of living and I wanted encouragement to achieve this. I had to prove myself in competition and I was prepared to make the effort and believed people should only get what they deserved. I needed a climate in which individuals could achieve these things.

The Conservative Party had just come to power under Margaret Thatcher. At the time the Tory machine seemed a very powerful force indeed. Mrs Thatcher was either loved or loathed but it was agreed by all she was a great leader. There seemed an air of optimism everywhere, opportunities abounded for those prepared to work for them and better still the socialist would be taken down a peg or two. There was to be prosperity, house prices rose, living standards rose, shares were available for all. I wanted to be part of it and enquired about joining the party but fortunately never did.

What started as a great new dream changed into a nightmare. It was not an immediate change, my disillusionment set in over a period of years. The country I loved, the people, the great Britain of old was being sacrificed for a quick profit. The whole Conservative philosophy revolved around greed. This and their many other failures to uphold all that was good about Britain increased my anger with the fact that no party seemed to really care. The party many believed to be the solution to all our problems really was not. They are guilty of the gross mismanagement of Britain.

Once the envy of the world, our industrial and manufacturing base has been eroded as the Tories have failed to support British businesses and the British worker, against the unfair competition from cheap foreign imports produced by a poorly paid workforce.

There is an increasing, unnecessary and costly interference in our domestic way of life through what is now known as the European Union.

Most of our state-owned utility services, gas, water, telecommunications and so on, have been privatised making the respective shareholders happy of course, but the promised improvements in service have not been forthcoming despite large profits being made. I personally witnessed the dismantling of sections of the Civil Service, not a bad thing in many cases, but these sections were market tested at the expense of many jobs only to result in a the provision of a poorer service at great cost.

Refugees and immigrants are forever welcomed with open arms to our shores. It is not difficult to understand why they come to Britain instead of Sweden or Ireland or Germany, for example. Perhaps it has something to do with the knowledge they have that Britain is a soft touch when it comes to state handouts.

The party of “law and order” have not been prepared to implement policies to ensure acceptable levels of law and order are maintained and there have been no restoration of capital punishment despite the public demand to do so.

We have been subjected to the completely insane plague of political correctness which has embedded itself in the very fabric of our society, an evil essentially created by left-wing militant types during a right-wing government’s term in office. This is being compounded by the continual bombardment of our senses by the wayward influence of the “special friends” across the pond in America, of our business methods for example, and the general deterioration of good social and moral attitudes through the portrayal of extreme anti-social behaviour on television and in films.

It will come as no surprise that I concluded the Tories had not the slightest understanding of the needs or feelings of the general public, the same public which supported them so well at election time. The traditional way of life was being replaced by a faceless and unidentifiable mess. I had to reassess what was important to me and where I was to go from here. What choice was left to me? I believed the Liberal Democrats to be a non-entity with no policies of their own, the British National Party to be fascist boot boys (Note – written at a time when I knew nothing of the BNP other than the media influenced picture of them and their association with Combat 18 etc)... and the Monster Raving Loony Party were, well, a touch unbalanced!

Part 3 of 3 to follow shortly, after which I will write specific details of my political history and activity. It may be of interest!

Friday 19 November 2010

English Democrats Oh English Democrats!

It seems politics is becoming interesting again. It also seems that there are a few people who still check my blog despite it not being updated for a year and even then it was very irregular. Consequently, for both reasons I thought the time was now right to begin writing again in the hope that it might make a little difference.

To start I thought I would edit and republish the following which was originally published in late 2010, nearly 4 years ago. Time sadly does fly by far too quickly!! I also intend to add at least one item per week as I do enjoy writing and hope that, as a bonus, some readers may also enjoy what I write.

Elements from my previous article are in italics and updates to it are not.

I did have great hopes for the British Democratic Party, who I thought would take the Nationalist baton from the British National Party but the party failed to meet my expectations and unless a great deal of work is now done, will sadly fail at the starting blocks. Consequently, with that disappointment and my increasing belief that the Union only serves to support the weaker nations, who it seems, resent what the English have achieved in so many ways, consider the only way forward is actually with an English party who fights for all things English.

Well, my decision is made and I’m now a paid up member of the English Democrats. Having been out of active politics for the best part of 2 years (obviously now 6 years!). it’s not been an easy or quick decision to make but I think it is the right one after considering all of my options, but obviously excluding anything left-wing or the LibLabCon. Recent events have shown me that all three parties are even more past their sell-by date than they were when I wrote this first. The Lib Dems under the “leadership” of Nick Clegg are now completely out of touch. The recent debates with Nigel Farage of UKIP have shown Clegg to be an inept liar and totally lacking in understanding of what is important to the indigenous population of these lands. I guess you’d expect nothing more from a career politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth. What was even more surprising about the debates was that he seems to have lost his bottle. His debating performance against Cameron and Brown was applauded but Farage wiped the floor with him. It’s no wonder that Cameron and Miliband have said they will refuse to debate with Farage.

My research involved a review of the details contained on the Electoral Commission web-site and if you haven’t looked at it already have a delve at the information contained there about all political parties.

Having spent 10 years as a supporter and member of the British National Party, it was a wrench but having seen the dramatic rise in popularity followed by the extreme mis-management, impropriety and collapse under Nick Griffin’s leadership I could not possibly contemplate a return.
The following information has changed quite a bit since originally written, but it seems even more apparent that Griffin as a state asset was tasked with collapsing the far-right and has destroyed the BNP in the same way he destroyed the NF. Additionally the BNP is now in a better financial position but still owes money with the Decembrists situation still, I believe, hanging over him and possibly the Michaela Mackenzie case as I’ve seen nothing to indicate this was settled. With the party on the verge of financial collapse I would urge all its members to get out while they can. With rumoured debts of around £700,000 and outstanding costs from court cases involving Unilever, Michaela Mackenzie’s Employment Tribunal, Equality and Human Rights Commission and the “December Rebels” someone is shortly going to find themselves very much out of pocket. The latter of these incidents prompted my decision to stand down from active involvement, knowing what dedicated and decent Nationalists Kenny and Nicholla Smith, Steve Blake and Ian Dawson are. The first link in the following sentence no longer works and Eddy Butler has gone very quiet of late but is believed to have joined the English Democrats. To see in more detail how and why the BNP are falling apart have a look at Eddy Butler's blog (no longer available) and if you want to know more about Eddy then see this link Wikipedia Eddy Butler. The latest information provided to me shows that the BNP has less than 2000 members and in the Nationalist community, as well as predicted by almost all political commentators, it is believed that Griffin will not keep his seat in the European Parliament. Having been bankrupted it is very likely that he will disappear from the political scene, presumably having squirrelled away the hundreds of thousands of pounds accumulated during his time as an MEP.

The following paragraph, as do some later ones refers to short-lived parties who had very little impact on the political landscape and no longer exist with their flash-in-the-pan leaders disappearing into oblivion. It seems that some of the BNP rejects are heading to the British Freedom Party. Expelled BNP members Peter Mullins, Michaela Mackenzie and Simon Bennett together with Lee Barnes formed the BFP only recently (see British Freedom Party Wikipedia entry). However the party is already in trouble with party treasurer John Savage resigning after falling out with Lee Barnes and nothing having been heard or seen of party leaders Peter Mullins and Michaela Mackenzie since the appallingly produced and acted introductory video posted on their site. The party is trying desperately to appeal to disenfranchised Nationalists announcing such high profile defections, from the BNP, as unelected councillor Mick Simpkins. Barry Bennett has also recently joined so they will have at least one member who knows what he’s doing! I think it might be obvious that I have not been impressed with the BFP.

Next to UKIP the biggest of the group of parties loosely classed as Nationalist. UKIP had much promise when it managed to get a fair few MEPs elected in the 2004 Euro-elections, but it failed to deliver and despite being a supposedly anti-EU party have had no impact whatsoever either with the EU or in domestic politics back home.
However, in the last couple of years their profile has increased rapidly with my insider contact reporting that they now have over 35,000 members. Farage’s recent performance in televised debates with Nick Clegg, as mentioned above, has increased his popularity and is expected to do very well indeed in the European Parliament elections in May this year. Unfortunately, Farage has made the same mistake as nearly all other political leaders in essentially denying the existence of the English nation. It really is time that the English took appropriate action to prevent the extinction of the English identity. The only party supporting that stance is, of course, the English Democrats.

I have great respect for The National Front, (the web-site links here have been removed), having cut my political teeth with them in the early 90’s but they are making a big mistake in sticking so steadfastly to their unworkable policy on repatriation i.e. ".... the National Front would halt all non-white immigration into Britain and introduce a policy of phased and humane repatriation. Such a policy would be expected to extend over 10-15 years and its completion would thus depend on the recurrent election of successive NF governments". Although seen by hard-core Nationalists as being “true to the cause” it simply means that the party will never be accepted by the vast majority of the voting population in this country and will never reach the heights it did in the late 70’s.
Although, a couple of years ago, the NF showed great promise in taking the membership from the disintegrating BNP, they themselves seemed destined to self-destruct and there now exist two National Front factions after a split in the leadership. This situation has given rise to legal action in an attempt to resolve the matter, a costly and further divisive course of action and currently rendering the NF inactive in electoral terms. This together with the insistence of some of the key players to regularly refer to all of the problems we have here as a "ZOG conspiracy" renders them totally inaccessible to the vast majority of British Nationalists, let alone the British public.

The England First Party are just a smaller version of the NF with a broadly but not as specific policy on repatriation i.e. "Stop all further immigration and start a programme of voluntary repatriation of non-European immigrants back to their lands of ancestral origin”.
This is another party no longer with us, but the link above does take you to the site for probably the only decent nationalist magazine now available, that being “Heritage And Destiny”.

An even smaller party, the English Independence Party (web-site now unavailable) led by Andrew Constantine has presumably disbanded, having, been formed in April 2000, as Andrew Constantine registered the English Peoples’ Party in February 2008 (a very, very small party now with only a Facebook presence).

Yet another new party - One England has only very recently formed, I’m not sure how they will do but with only a (seemingly now disabled) Facebook page and no web-site as yet it looks like it is going to be a struggle.

Next the “will they or won’t they” English Defence League, not strictly a political party but currently looking at the options for introducing a form of membership, if the posting on their Facebook site on Sunday, 14 November 2010 is anything to go on. “There is a lot of Rumours going round with regards to a membership scheme. So to set the record straight – At the request of a large proportion of the EDL we are looking into the option of a voluntary membership scheme”. Potentially, with the support they have, they would rival any of the existing Nationalist parties for members but probably not for support at the polls.
Now that their well-known leader Tommy Robinson, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, or whatever he calls himself at the moment, having left to join the counter-extremism think-tank The Quilliam Foundation but having seemingly disappeared from their web-site as a result of his sentencing in January this year to 18 months in prison, for three counts of conspiracy to commit fraud by misrepresentation in relation to a mortgage application, and so will be out of action for some time. As with Griffin, the suspicions in right-wing circles is that our Tommy was “turned” by the powers that be.

So finally to the English Democrats who pretty much have the policies, that are potentially acceptable to the electorate and that I am comfortable with. The party has a membership of similar size to that of the BNP when I joined and so I feel that much can be achieved in the future, particularly if it does not get side-tracked by dalliances with other Nationalist groups. I have confidence that any differences in that area can be overcome and the party move forward united to a bigger and better future. See here for details of English Democrat policies. I will report on progress in due course.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

The English Democrats - Onwards and Upwards?

I'm looking at where to go politically and found this, any views?

What we stand for

The English Democrats believe that our heritage is the bedrock of the future of England. Day by day we see this great country being undermined by legislation that puts minority interest first whilst breaking down the English way of life. It is as if England never stood for anything, but we always have. We have five key messages here but, for more detailed information, turn to our manifesto.

English Identity

We demand the right to enjoy and celebrate Englishness. We say that pride in our nation and community is healthy and natural. This is why we call for an English First Minister, Government and Parliament with at least the same powers as that in Scotland. Far too often 'English' is presumed to be synonymous with 'British', and 'England' with 'Britain'. It is as if England as a nation does not exist except for sport, whereas Ireland, Scotland and Wales each are accepted as being nations with their own identity. Being English is simple – one need only recognise England as a nation in her own right, value the English community and want to contribute positively and constructively to it. Our party welcomes anyone on the electoral roll of England to join, irrespective of background. All who identify with and feel themselves to be English are welcome.

Political Correctness and Multiculturalism

It is time common sense prevailed. The various quangos promoting political correctness should be closed and those laws promoting political correctness repealed. We want traditional English freedoms and values, a political system that cares for the rights of the majority rather than the minority, that values the English community ahead of individuals who are opposed to it. An England that puts its own people first, not last, and values the rich heritage of the Christian faith which has shaped our country’s laws and values. The main political parties' view of multiculturalism is both naive and dangerous; worse still is the fact that we have never been allowed to vote on it. Many English cities are being colonised by immigrant communities who do not want to be part of English society, who want their own language and laws and reject English ‘Western’ values. Which begs the question: why did they come here in the first place? And leads to the second question: why not go back to wherever they feel they actually belong and give us back our cities?


Immigration is out of control. England is the third most densely populated country in the world and, for its size, the most densely populated country in Europe. We have neither the space nor the resources to permit more large-scale immigration. England is targetted by hundreds of thousands of economic migrants each year, who know they can come here easily, costing English taxpayers £billions a year in benefits. Worse still, immigrants are granted housing that young or needy English people are entitled to. In short, mass immigration has placed severe strains on England's housing accommodation, Education and Health Services, and exacerbated road congestion. It is time to close the door. Mass immigration must be ended. We would deport illegal immigrants and all those immigrants who are extremists, terrorists and criminals. We would regain control of our immigration systems by leaving the European Union.

Leaving the European Union

English Democrats advocate withdrawal from the European Union (EU) and rejoining the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which will guarantee free trade with the EU and free us from EU political rule, saving us its £63 billion per year cost! England should assert her own Sovereignty over her own people and reject the legislation that Brussels is continually forcing on us.

The Family

It is often overlooked that the family is a fundamental building block in the structure of the English society. Marriage also plays a key role in the family, representing a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman and from this union children are raised in the security of a loving home. We will stand up for both the family and marriage, rejecting secular attempts to place same sex partners into the context of either.

Our Cause

Is trying to save one of the world's oldest nations from being broken up by conniving British establishment and Brussels elite.

Is giving the 50 million people in England a national voice through our own legislative parliament, something that every other western nation has as of right.

Is promoting fairness, national empowerment and the positive cultural recognition of England.

For too long, England has been buried under a British identity by Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats. For too long, England has been shamelessly abused, compromised and pillaged by successive Westminster administrations. England is not Britain-Lite, nor a disparate collection of EU-regions! England is not a cash cow for the benefit of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England is a proud and historic nation! How ironic then that England, the originator of the modern two-tier parliamentary system copied by every other western nation, is unique in being denied even the most basic of democratic rights of self-determination and cultural expression. We English are not even permitted our own national anthem, and St Patrick's Day gets more official support than our own patron saint's day! (St George)

Over the past decade, New Labour has been engaged in an undeclared policy to destroy England as a national entity. They have continued the work of the Tories before them and with the ever-willing help of the Liberal Democrats, England is now constitutionally non-existent.

If, like us, you too think England is in danger. then you need to do something about it NOW!

You need to join us, the English Democrats, the only political party fighting to preserve our country England from the hostile hands of Westminster and Brussels.

We are passionate about England's cause........The English Democrats; not left, not right, just English.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Seeking My Political Home - Part 1 of 3

The following is the first full article I had published in Nationalist circles and was written when I was quite new to active involvement in politics and was a member of the National Democrats (from Wikipedia). For those that may not know, the National Democrats, now long gone, were formed as a result of the majority of the membership of the National Front voting to change the name of the party.

At the time I wrote the article I was a civil servant and to avoid any problems as a result I used the pseudonym Bob Case, created by Martin Wingfield I seem to recall.

I am not sure what year the article was published, but it was probably around 1995 / 1996, due to the fact there is no mention of the National Front, as though this was a conscious effort to try and make the National Democrats appear new and fresh and “untainted” by that association. In a subsequent blog I will fill in the gap that seems to have been left as a result.

The article appeared in Vanguard No 46 and the editorial in that magazine says “Vanguard is published to advance the cause of British democratic racial nationalism. In the United Kingdom this is only upheld by the National Democrats”. Stephen Ebbs was the editor at the time and articles penned by Martin and Tina Wingfield also appeared in that edition. Simon Darby was also a member of the National Democrats and stood as a candidate for them prior to the National Front formally changing it’s name, by way of a test of the public reaction to a candidate standing for the proposed new party name. I recall he did quite well, adding weight to the case for a name change.

Having been on quite a political journey since that time it is apparent I was also a lot less wise than I am now when I wrote this! It also perhaps emphasises my current belief that although the British National Party is dead in the water, the British Freedom Party is not the answer and according to information available over the last 24 hours already seems to be having difficulties with John Savage, the National Treasurer and a five-minute Nationalist, publicly resigning from the party after disagreeing with the wording of an article penned by Lee Barnes and which appeared on the BFP web-site.

Anyway, on with the article: -

Foreword (presumably by Stephen Ebbs) – There are an infinite number of routes which can be taken from becoming politically aware to finding a political home which reflects that awareness – this applies to all political parties not just the National Democrats. In this article, member Bob Case describes the path together with the political observations which he made in the route to his eventual political home.

The fact you are reading this indicates that you are either already a member of the National Democrats or have sympathies with some or all of our policies. We all have different reasons for believing what we do, it may be that you realised early in life the policies of the National Democrats matched your own beliefs and ideals. For me it was not quite that straightforward.

I became politically aware in the early to mid-seventies when the hippy culture was breathing its last breath. The greater individual freedoms resulting from this culture appeared to lead many people, particularly those like myself of the younger generation from working-class families, to believe that the socialist ideal was the ultimate way to lead a fulfilling life. We naively believed all that was necessary to make the country a better place was for everyone to be equal. We simply though it was just a matter of distributing wealth and goods equally.

I left school at eighteen and started work immediately, fortunately unemployment was not something with which we were greatly concerned in the late seventies. Once in the real world, the world of adults and responsibilities, I rapidly realised that, although all people are born equal, inequalities resulting from parentage, schooling, the class system and so on seemed as strong as they ever were. It soon dawned on me that to enable the equality of the socialist ideal, would in socialist terms, require taking from the wealthy, regardless of whether rich through their own endeavours or resulting from, for example, inheritance, to give to the poor. In reality it was not the romantic Robin Hood theory of economics, but the politics of jealousy and envy. It meant that those with something worth having would be made to suffer for it in order to prop up those without. Now that’s not always a bad thing, but more often than not the prop would be for those who could not be bothered and those who considered the world owed them a living. Ultimately all ambition, competitiveness, class, privacy, geographical boundaries, sovereignty and so on would be removed.

I did not want this, I believed I had to make my own way in the world and stand or fall by the decisions and choices I made. Because of my traditional upbringing I believed in myself, had what I considered sound morals, was well behaved and had respect for people and property. I felt I could get somewhere in life and that I had something to give. I knew I was better than some but not as good as others. I wanted to improve my lot by my own efforts and did not expect or want anything to be handed to me on a plate. My “red” phase was short-lived and I knew it was not going to return.

Thursday 28 October 2010

BNP or BFP? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.........

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! British Nationalism as we knew and loved is dead on its feet. The British National Party has all but been abandoned to Nick Griffin and his sycophants, as anyone who was anyone in the party has either been expelled or has left in disgust at what has been done to the party and ultimately to the people it purports to represent. Nick Griffin is guilty of the greatest of all crimes, in that he has betrayed his own people, as a result of his gross mis-management. Replacement parties, the most notable of which, the British Freedom Party, formed by disgruntled ex-members, are doomed to failure as has nearly always been the case and I take no pride in having been involved in the mis-guided renaming of the National Front to the National Democrats which subsequently disappeared into the dust.

I watched, with interest, for the time that Eddy Butler appeared to be in with a shout to take the BNP back for the true Nationalists, but again, as a result of Nick Griffin’s changes to the Party Constitution and underhand tactics, this too was doomed to failure as is Eddy’s stand that new parties should not be formed and we should wait until the party belongs, once again, to its members. It’s time to be honest and admit it’s never going to happen, is it?

Having spent nearly 20 years involved in Nationalist politics I feel betrayed that what could have been a great movement has come to nothing. Time and time again the mantra has been that, now more than ever before the time has been right for us to rise up and become a really major force to contend with. But no, missed opportunity after missed opportunity been squandered together with a multitude of screw-ups, either badly handled by poor management or deliberately badly handled to sabotage the impetus that existed. Admittedly, there were high points, councillors elected, even MEPs, but one wonders whether even these were stage managed and could have been even better results. I fear that the “powers that be” have instructed their lackeys “Don’t let those nasty Nationalists get any further than this piece of rope will let them” and although not one for conspiracy theories can’t help but feel British Nationalism, particularly the BNP has been managed to ensure those sympathetic to Nationalism have been corralled together and then systematically destroyed by those “powers”.

I ceased active involvement with the BNP for short periods on a couple of occasions, for various reasons which I will possibly come to in later blogs, but will simply say now that I did so quietly and without making public the issues contributing to those decisions as I did not wish for any use to be made of my reasons by those who live for undermining the Nationalist cause. However, times have changed and I can’t do any more harm to the cause than it seems to have done to itself.

One such short-lived withdrawal from active involvement occurred in 2006 and the reason for writing about it now is as a result of seeing the emergence of the British Freedom Party, the great pretender to the melted BNP crown. The appallingly poor introductory video which purports to be a casual interview with, according to,

The Electoral Commission web-site registration,

party leader Peter Mullins and the nominating officer Michaela Mackenzie, when the latter of the two is clearly speaking from a script. Nothing from the heart here then! Very cosy their relationship may appear but a few years ago nothing could be further from the truth and was partly the cause for my withdrawal from active service. I believe Peter to be an honourable man but Michaela to be manipulative, preparing bullets for others to fire and I would hazard a guess that the BFP is her idea as is Peter as leader.

Anyway back to 2006 and a couple of emails which relate to a meeting that took place in Exeter.

The first is an extract from an email that I replied to as follows:-

Thu, 3 August, 2006 16:27:38
Re: Fw: SW Meeting letter

From: Robert Baggs <*******@******.***>

To: Peter Mullins <************@******.***>
Hello Peter
Thanks for this, however, as I had had no confirmation that the meeting was going ahead I have made other arrangements and will not be available. However from the invitation letter is appears only a selected few are expected so there should be no problem.
Best wishes

Peter Mullins <************@******.*** Hello, Everyone. Having studied Sadie's E Mail it would appear that all of you have been committed from her list of recipients. As you are all active Party Nominated Officers I think you should be, at least, made aware of this Meeting. Perhaps you have received from Sadie the same invitation in a different format; I do hope so. Regards, Peter ----- Original Message ----- From: Group Development To: Edited out Cc:

Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:07 PM

Subject: SW Meeting letter


It seems somewhere along the line the rest of the message disappeared, but it clearly refers to a meeting that was to take place and that some officials had not been invited.

My diary shows the meeting took place on Sunday 20th August in Exeter and I did actually attend, just to test out the reasons why I thought certain people had been omitted from the invitation list.

I will then refer back to a telephone call I received in the early evening of either the Saturday or the Sunday of the activist’s weekend a while before this meeting took place. The call was from Mike Howson who, with Michaela Mackenzie, was attending the activist’s weekend. He told me that he had had discussions with Michaela (and Sadie Graham) regarding their unhappiness with Peter Mullins performance as Regional Organiser. Mike said they were taking steps to get rid of him and thought I would be the best replacement and asked if I was prepared to take the role on. I said I would think about it and later rang him back to ask if anyone had actually discussed this with Peter as I didn’t want to be involved in back-stabbing events (similar to those I had been subjected to a couple of years earlier and in which Michaela had also been involved and which may be explained further later). I have had many years managing staff and was well aware of how to handle such situations the need to ensure suspected poor performance is discussed and chances given to rectify any problems if they existed before making rash decisions. I also said that if I accepted the job I would have to set out certain terms, nothing major like being paid back-handers or anything like that, no, simple terms to ensure me some protection against similar treatment in the future. Nothing more was ever said to me and I attended the meeting referred to above by default. I had predicted the outcome of the meeting in that the post of Regional Organiser came up for discussion and Mike Howson was duly nominated by, yes, you’ve guessed it, Michaela and it came to pass that Mike became the RO and presumably remains there still despite having “Organised” the total collapse of what had been built up before in the Region to the extent that Searchlight even ran articles on the “threat” we represented.

At the time I had had enough of those who wanted to run the party as though it were a private club and emailed Nick Griffin on Monday 21st August accordingly, although he was apparently having problems with his email account so I followed the email up by post. I also sent the following email to Mike Howson:-

Wed, 23 August, 2006 19:39:15


From: Robert Baggs <*******@*****.***>

To: Mike Howson <*************@********.**.**>
Cc: Clive Wakley <******@******.***>
Hello Mike

Glad meeting went well last night.

I am writing to inform you that after considering recent events in the SW I have today tendered my resignation from all party activity with immediate effect to Nick Griffin.

This action has been taken after careful consideration but essentially is due to the deliberate withholding of information and the lack of common decency shown to me by local party colleagues and those I had counted as friends. In particular I am referring to our telephone conversation that took place whilst you were at the activist’s weekend some time ago when you advised that you and others were unhappy with Peter Mullins as SW Chairman. You continued to say that if he could be gotten rid of it had been agreed the best candidate for the job would be me and that I had the appropriate support to take this on. As you will recall I stipulated various conditions under which I would consider this, these conditions being to protect me from the back-stabbing incidents and general lack of civility to me by several members, when I carried out the role before.

After that conversation the subject has never been raised again nor was the fact that there was to be a meeting on the 20th to discuss the situation, a meeting I only heard about by default. This did not bode well for an honest and successful future working relationship, hence my decision.

To be honest, I would probably have declined the role had I been offered it.
I have written to all Calne members advising them I have stood down and asked them to contact you for information on future meetings.

Best wishes for the future.



I do have the originals of these emails should anyone doubt their validity.

Anyway apparently, somewhere along the line, I was told that nothing further had been said to me as I had stipulated conditions to my accepting the role and this was unacceptable.

For the record, I ceased active involvement with the BNP in March 2008 as a result of the treatment of the “Voice of Change Rebels” and my membership ended on 31st December of that year.

As far as my political future is concerned I will be deciding at the end of this year what I will do but the reader can be sure that it won’t be with the BNP or the BFP, I’d never know who was on whose side!

Perhaps there may be more on my political adventures in the near future, so watch this space.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Griffin Destroying BNP

Below republished with thanks to the BNP Reform Group Website

Is Nick Griffin An MI5 State Asset?

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 15:47 Written by Guest Writer

Anyone with any sense who has watched the activities of Nick Griffin since he appeared on Question Time might ask if he is working for the British Secret services, who are now, thanks to the Blair and Brown administrations, entirely communist and Islamist infiltrated, to destroy the British National Party.

His apallingly cringe-makingly embarrassing TV and Radio performances. His deliberate destruction of the party's chances in the last British General Election where he went into Barking to assist Margaret Hodge and Labour to oust the BNP entirely from the area. His alleged thefts of party funds which have possibly resulted in a refusal to hand over the accounts to the electorial commission. His engagements with the law; and he is a grauduate in law from Cambridge, which cost the party hundreds of thousands and may soon make it bankrupt.

He deliberately wrote red meat into the party constitution in order to assist Trevor 'whip-hand' Phillips of the EHRC to go after our party. Griffins latest trick is to try to get the EHRC to obtain a judgement that will place him for a short period in jail; long enough to write his Mein Kampf and become a martyr of the lowest scum in the country; appealing now to the lowest common denominator to keep his support up while the decent people of the party; the educated and the wise are being suspended in large numbers.

Western Civilisation is coming to an end fed by marxist infiltrators like Barak Obama in the US and Red Dave Cameron in the UK. They are determined by any means possible to continue mass immigration legal and illegal, to smash the power of the West and siphon off our national wealth to the East. This is because the people who funded their campaigns and placed them in power are the trans-national, Internationalist oligarchs who want to create a one world government with a one world police force and one world military. Why? Because by using a combination of Islamic terror to keep the populations down and marxist politics to run the economies and feed the masses they can destroy the middle class and create a world of the very rich and the very poor with endless cheap labour and no competition. The oligrach heaven which co-incides with the Marxist and Islamist heaven of total control over the people.

The BNP reform movement is alone, it receives no support from an intellgencia drunk on the proceeds of an uber-liberal Red state which pours funding into their pockets. British intellectuals like blacks and Asians in Britain are the well fed, well funded slaves on the plantations of the Reds who will not give up their comfort zone for the mere purpose of saving a nation, civilisation and culture. Britians intellectuals are the enemiers of the people. Fat, corrupt and deliberatly blind to the realities. As in every Red regiime there is a phoney opposition; the Melanie Phillips's, the ones who come up with piecemeal exposures of the regime but being themselves liberals are just useful idiots of the state.

Britain needs a party with real men and women, real patriots and fighters. It needs a party which will have the commonsense to understand what it takes to win power both in terms of party structure, widening the demographic of the membership and seriously examining its policies.

The ship is going down, the sands of time are running out and we have fifteen years to get into Downing Street to avoid the demographics. Mass immigration continues unabated under the conservative-liberal one party state.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

The End Of The BNP Is Nigh!

News that an undisclosed sum was agreed in settlement of the recent Employment Tribunal, as brought by Michaela Mackenzie against Nick Griffin, adds to the recent list of avoidable costs that the BNP is liable for such that bankruptcy is all but inevitable and the party forced to fold as a result.

Hopefully the many ex-members, myself included, who having left because of how the party has been mis-managed will join together and form a replacement party from the ashes, but excluding Nick Griffin and his toadies.

I support Eddy Butler in his leadership challenge but having had many years of experience of how the party rules are created and varied to suit Nick Griffin surely means that Eddy’s challenge is doomed to failure.

There was a time that many of us looked upon Nick as being the saviour of British Nationalism and despite Ms Mackenzie’s statement that:-

“Griffinite members of the party must bear responsibility for what he has become. He is a monster of their own creation. For years they have fawned upon him, bloated his ego out of all proportion to reality, encouraged him to believe he can do no wrong and that he isn’t subject to the laws, restrictions and codes of morality that determine decent conduct for the rest of us mere mortals.” - she must also accept that she is as guilty as the rest of us for the current situation.

In fact, I once thought of Nick Griffin as a friend and worked with him on a couple of projects at his home and shared meals at his table with his family. He also thought highly of me for a while saying in one of his emails to me, in response to mine when resigning from all but my membership as a result of the expulsion of the so-called “Voice of Change Rebels” in early 2008, that “I'm glad you're remaining a member, and hope that after due time you'll get back involved at the level at which your considerable talents actually make it your duty so to be”.

I recognize, however, that any of us, when attaining a certain status amongst like-minded people, can suffer from the feeling of invincibility related to the power and control associated with such status and therefore neglecting the real purpose we are there for. Having been a member of the Advisory Council and Master of Ceremonies at several Red, White and Blue festivals gave me an insight into the dangers of this, albeit at a lower level. This nevertheless resulted in receiving a lecture from that half-witted, failed South West Regional Organiser, Mike Howson, that “the party couldn’t afford to support those with ego’s….. “. I think Howson was simply envious of the profile I had attained, but this was not as a result of egotism, but simply a belief in doing what I believed was right and taking the occasional risk (see Baggs v Fudge) as a result. Such risks as Howson would not have taken being so scared of his own shadow that he referred to himself as Mike Howsman until 2007!

It is obvious to those with just a passing interest in human psychology that Nick Griffin is insecure and relishes the power and attention that his position brings him hence the venom when anyone challenges or crosses him. I vividly recall an Advisory Council meeting at which he openly described the then recently departed Warren Bennett as a “c**t”. Just as well his mother Jean wasn’t taking the minutes on this occasion then.

The appearance of Jim Dowson in the party marked the time from when the mismanagement of the BNP went from bad to worse. Admittedly Dowson made the party a lot of money for the party but at a high cost. Also at a time when the BNP should have been capitalising on the issues resulting from all of the social problems and the worst Prime Minister ever, they never did. The Question Time fiasco is a prime example of that!

Is the situation retrievable? I don’t think it is, the BNP has had their chance and blown it. However, there is just enough time for those many good people I worked with over the near 20 years of involvement in Nationalism, to regroup and start again under a new banner, perhaps with the financial backing of Ms Mackenzie.

Whatever happens, things need to move quickly, come Christmas Eddy Butler may or may not be the new leader of the BNP, if he is then I wish him well with the reformation, if not then the BNP is most definitely history.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

BNP Leadership Challenge

Interesting times - Robert Baggs supporting Eddy Butler

Official Announcement
The Leadership contest is ON!

Following a series of meetings and discussions involving members of the British National Party who believe that we must have a change in the leadership of the Party, it has been decided that Eddy Butler should stand against the current Chairman Nick Griffin MEP this summer.

It is hoped that the campaign will be conducted in a clean manner with honest and open debate on the issues at hand.Teams will be organised in all regions to get the required number of signatures in order to be nominated as a candidate.

If you would like to be part of one of these teams please send you details

Details of the team working with Eddy Butler and his candidate for Deputy Chairman will be announced shortly.

This will be a very exciting campaign and a chance for the British National Party to re-launch itself. It is vital that there be new leadership for the BNP for the following reasons:

1. It is essential that we have financial transparency and competence, so that the membership and our donors have faith in how their money is being accounted for and spent.

2. It is essential that spending is kept under tight control. We are facing hard financial times and vast amounts are thrown away on avoidable litigation and on wasteful internal projects. The Party is facing insolvency over the next few months due to a series of imprudent decisions by the leadership.

3. Our resources must be targeted at our ‘front end’ activities – elections, councillor support, local recruitment and organisation.

4. The Constitution must be revised to ensure we have both strong leadership and accountability. At present all power is vested in one man, the Chairman, with virtually no checks, and the Constitution is skewed to make it almost impossible to remove him.

5. There must be a careful separation of powers between the Political Chairman and the Party Administration.

6. The Party has got stale and needs a total revamp. The authoritarian leadership style inhibits new ideas and stifles debate.

7. A new draft Constitution will be written up and publicised and an EGM called within six months of a successful leadership challenge.

8. The aim is to stabilise the Party – to enter the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliamentary elections rejuvenated, and with proper local support for the vital round of local elections next year.

9. The Party must be given room to breath internally in order to find new longer term leadership. Next year we will have a full new leadership election under the new fairer Constitution with several fresh candidates who we can choose between in a civilised debate. That new leadership can take us on with confidence to contest the 2012 London Assembly elections and we can face the future with renewed vigour.

Most members agree that Nick Griffin MEP has done a tremendous job these past eleven years in promoting the BNP. This will always be remembered with gratitude. However it is now clear that we need a re-launch.

• Funding has dried up.
• Our financial liabilities are mounting.
• Enquiries to the Party from the public have plummeted.
• Our electoral progress has all but halted.
• Our activist base has lost its enthusiasm.
• There are no new ideas or initiatives from the centre.
• The central machinery of the Party is failing and not functioning properly.
• The local organisation needs rebuilding with a fresh set of eyes.

We do not have the luxury of waiting for several years before the current Chairman feels it is time to leave. After eleven long years Nick has accumulated a massive amount of baggage which makes him less popular with the public than the Party. In bringing the Party forward Nick has become more of a public liability than an asset. It may be unfair but it is nevertheless true. It is inevitable that after eleven long years, the old Chairman will have run out of steam, particularly when due to his European commitments he commutes by car every other week to Brussels or Strasbourg.

Now is the time for change. It has to be now as the Party must be able to revitalise itself ready for the next rounds of elections. Eddy Butler has the experience to do this and to build a team that can bring in stability and unity.

Under a new team:

• Many who have left our Party will rejoin.
• Many who enquired but didn’t feel the Party was quite right, will re-enquire and get involved.
• Many people who have felt the Party isn’t quite right and have instead got involved with other parties will join.
• Our donors will have confidence provide the funding necessary for growth.
• By removing the harmful influences and the alien Corporate consultancy culture that infests the upper reaches of the Party, our activist base will be re-enthused.
• By opening up the Party and allowing the talent we have within our ranks to express itself, we will get new ideas and new approaches to old problems.

Eddy Butler has stepped forward to bring in these changes now – to help the Party find its way to a better and more ultimately victorious future. We must have change.

For further information go to:

Enquiries to:

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Politics - My Story - Ecology Party to the BNP and Beyond

Well, shall I or shan't I - can I be bothered and will anyone be interested? I've been there and done it and even have a tee-shirt, so I might. Not sure when but there may be some stories from behind the scenes that will be good to tell.

Watch this space and the story will unfold, or it won't, who knows? Depends if I have anything better to do...

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Gordon Brown for Prime Minister ..... Not!

In just over 3 weeks we will know who our new Prime Minister will be. God forbid it be the current incumbent of No 10 Downing Street the wonderfully charismatic Gordon Brown.....

James Gordon Brown was born in February 1951 so will be 60 next year and became Prime Minister by default in June 2007 taking over from the equally wonderful Tony Blair. He married his wife Sarah in 2000 at the age of 49 causing rumours that he only did so to make himself respectable and further avoid suggestions that he was homosexual.

Brown has a PhD in history from the University of Edinburgh but has seemingly learnt nothing from past historical failures. His blindness in one eye was caused at this time as a result of a kick to the head during a rugby match. His early career was spent working as a television journalist, but funnily enough didn’t make this a permanent career move. Brown has been an MP since 1983 for Scottish constituencies but prefers to run things from England. It may interest local readers that in the 1979 general election, he stood for the Edinburgh South constituency but lost to Conservative candidate, Michael Ancram.

After the sudden death of Labour leader John Smith in May 1994, Brown did not contest the leadership after Tony Blair became favourite and it has long been rumoured he struck a deal with Blair in which he agreed to give Brown control of economic policy in return for Brown not standing against him in the leadership election and this is thought to be the root of the private rifts between them.

As Shadow Chancellor, Brown worked to present himself as a fiscally competent Chancellor-in-waiting, to reassure business and the middle class that Labour could be trusted to run the economy and his subsequent term as Chancellor once Labour were elected was praised in some quarters but has by many been seen as the main cause of the problems which currently exist in Britain. Between 1999 and 2002 Brown sold 60% of the UK's gold reserves at $275 an ounce. After this there was an unprecedented rise in the gold price resulting in £2 billion of lost potential revenue (at 2007 gold prices). As a result, the period from 1999 to 2002, when gold prices were the lowest for 20 years, has been dubbed the Brown Bottom. On top of this Brown was reported to believe it appropriate to remove much of the third world debt therefore suggesting he was prepared to Britain’s financial burden even more.

Brown succeeded Blair as Prime Minister in June 2007 and on the day of the general election will have served almost 3 years in a position he was unelected for and has been totally unsuitable for having taken over from Blair the problems in Iraq and Afghanistan and been even more inclined to crawl up the backside of the warmongering American president’s Bush and Obama. On top of that the whole political structure has been brought into disrepute by the many financial scandals over the last few years, education and the health service have fallen towards those that might be expected of third world countries, more powers have been signed over to the European Union and just generally become the most despised Prime Minister I have ever known having ridden rough-shod over what is best for the British people pursuing his own left-wing agenda.

Should anyone feel that Gordon Brown has the right credentials for continuing as leader of this once great land I suggest the following videos which will hopefully help with your decision.

The first shows why you wouldn’t invite him to dinner

The second shows how sincere he can be......

and the third, how he is likely to react on 6th May

Goodbye Gordon, may we never hear from you again.

(With thanks to Wikipedia, YouTube and Guido Fawkes)

Monday 8 February 2010

A New Beginning!

Well, so far it's a new mobile number, a new car, a new job and a new house, what's next? Cosmetic surgery??

Wednesday 6 January 2010

A Labour MEP, the BNP and Cuba - the Final Week in Varadero

As it’s very snowy today my mind has returned to warmer places and the fact I needed to complete my blogging about my holiday to Cuba. So for those of you still there, hope it helps warm you up!

Sunday and another lazy day at the pool side is called for. I read Akenfield (click for link) and for anyone wishing to know more about rural life in days gone by this book is ideal. The sense of community and pride that those in this book had, seems lost for now but I suspect this will return one day. Even my pet lizard though it was worth popping out of his bamboo home to have a look at.

In between chapters a swim in the pool was called for to cool down a bit. You meet all sorts on holiday, especially in the pool and it’s strange how you get into conversation with people who you can relate to being in the health business. On this occasion we had a conversation with a neurosurgeon who taught medical students how to cut up dead bodies and his wife who informed us all about her urinary tract infection. Mmmm, they were going home later that day so perhaps it was just as well. Out of the pool and some local beer next, not the sort of thing I would normally drink but in this environment it was most refreshing.

For our evening meal we went into the big hall for a buffet and barbeque as there was a show on and very good it was to, with dancers, a Cuban band called Conclave, who also appeared later on in the week as evening cabaret in the main restaurant and from whom I bought a CD (as you do when on holiday!), more singers and a magician. A very entertaining night and then back to the room before the mosquito’s swarmed.

Monday after breakfast I entered the pool for my first swim and was mulling over whether to discuss Health and Safety with the fellow who was sucking the leaves and other debris from the pool. The electric cable that his machine was attached to trailed from somewhere in the distance, across the shrubbery and through the water in the pool. A bit scary but also in a way it was quite refreshing that the Cubans don’t have to put up with some of the constraints on normal life that we do! After a lazy day it was back to the room to get ready for the evening. The room suddenly became quite dark and from our balcony I saw that the sky had become very cloudy. Then our first encounter with the rain began – see the video link below.

As soon as it arrived it disappeared and we could continue getting ready for our first visit to one of the several themed restaurants on the complex, having booked a table in the Romantica. Everyone there was most friendly and the food was good and after our meal the couple on the next table beckoned us over and we shared a bottle of wine with them. The male half of the couple on occasion, happened to make what I can only describe as a workers revolutionary clenched hand salute, as he extolled the wonders of the Cuban society. It was obvious his politics were somewhat to the left of mine and in conversation his wife informed us he was the Labour MEP for Stoke until 1999 when he lost his seat under the new list system. She also poured scorn on the rise of the BNP in the city and had I wanted to cause a fuss a very interesting conversation could have developed but I was on holiday so let it be. It turned out we were sharing a table with Michael Tappin (see wikipedia link) and his wife. I later discovered that, in 2007, he became Leader of the Labour group on the Stoke-on-Trent City Council only to lose his seat in May 2008 when the BNP made gains in Stoke (see link). Oh, how we laughed! He will have to be content with his job at Keele University as an American Studies lecturer. We went back to the bar after the meal and it was good to see yet another champagne socialist worse the wear as a result of his alcohol intake as he became more difficult to understand as the evening progressed and so we excused ourselves and headed for bed.

I was woken up early on the Tuesday morning by the sound of vomit splashing on the tiled floors as the lady in my life failed to make the bathroom in time. It seemed something she had eaten the previous night had not been quite right and so she was proper poorly. We spent all day in the room with meals of toast and crisps being the only ones that could be faced. Sadly we watched television for most of the day as with limited channel availability CNN and The Weather Channel were as exciting as it got. However, it was interesting to watch the coverage of what they termed “historic floods” caused by very heavy rain across America, mostly ignored by the British media I believe.

Also of interest were the reports by the fantastically named Wolf Blitzer, (only in America!), about politics and realising how paranoid the Americans are about oil and the worrying fact it was likely to reach four dollars a gallon – trying living here Wolf! Also of interest were reports about the Congressional Black Caucus (BNP members see this link re. membership criteria). We also watched another reporter by the name of Thomas Buffenburger with his plastic face which seemed to epitomise all other media-savvy Americans. It was quite scary and reminded me of The Stepford Wives with regard to how false they are and how they were falling over themselves to make positive comments about Barack Obama in the run-up to the elections in America. It became increasingly apparent that however democratic and free and wonderful the Americans think themselves to be, their society actually seems to be bigoted, insular and racist in private, but not in public and at the time I thought how unlikely it was as a result, that a black man would become president. Oh well, I can’t be right all the time. I also remember thinking at the time whether the British media would cover this presidential election to any great degree and again it appears that the answer sadly is yes they would.

Wednesday arrived and we were back to the routine we had adopted since here although were particular about the food we selected for our meals. After lunch we decided to go for a stroll along the beach and saw there were major storms heading our way from Florida.

We headed back for the relative safety of our pool-side spot and being undercover could comfortably sit and watch the rain begin.

This time it was accompanied by rather loud and startling thunder and lightning as can be seen from the video below!

The next day was Thursday and whilst at lunch I saw proof that the Russians were still major players in Cuba and despite there being a dress code for dinner, completely ignored it and were rude and abusive to the staff and this was deemed acceptable. Consequently they have replaced the Germans and their beach towels as my number one holiday dislike.

Later that evening we were hoping for a relaxing time sitting in the bar drinking until a rather larger crab appeared from under the sofa.

Not sure that this picture does it justice with regard to the size of it but hopefully it can be seen as large enough not to want under your chair!

Friday was much of the same but the wildlife on this occasion was turtle-like.

Saturday was a lazy day again as was Sunday and we left Varadero at 4.30pm for the airport and the long flight home.

Monday morning we fought the depression of being back in Britain and stopped at the motorway service station for some fish and chips to remind us that some things were still good here. It didn’t help the depression – all the workers at the service station were foreign. An old couple on the table next to us were having difficulty communicating with the manager regarding a query they had with their bill and I felt very sorry for them. Was I glad to get home? After 29 hours awake I guess it was ok but it just further emphasised the deteriorating conditions we endure here.

Monday 4 January 2010

Wootten Bassett - Muslims to March

No doubt everyone has heard of the proposed march by Islam4UK in Wootten Bassett – see link below:-

Muslims March - Wootten Bassett (since posting, this link has mysteriously become unavailable - Google it and you'll find plenty of references)

It won’t happen – simple as!

Anjem Choudray has got his publicity and patriots and nationalists have been appropriately wound up - job done then Anjem - now get out of our bloody country and take your alien religion with you.