Wednesday 12 December 2007

Provisional Plans For Calne By-election

Sorry I haven’t blogged for a few days, the absence of a computer is one problem but I have also been biting my tongue with regard to another that some readers will understand and others will not. So, for now it is business as usual and “no comment”.

Provisional plans are in hand for fighting the Lickhill Ward by-election in Calne, should we decide to do so. The nomination papers are due on Friday 4th January so by Monday 7th we will know who is contesting the election, which will take place on Thursday 31st January. As those involved in politics know, and probably those who aren’t could hazard a guess, but this isn’t the best time of year to have an election as there is the once very popular Christian festival known as Christmas due any day now. For those readers who aren’t sure what Christmas is, you may know it as Winterval, Winter Holiday or some other non-threatening, all inclusive title apparently created to appease all colours, creeds etc., etc., but primarily introduced to upset those British people who value their true heritage, customs and traditions. At infant’s school I was Joseph in the nativity play, when this actually meant something and every school held one. This year I was asked if I knew where I could borrow a flat cap as “my son is in the Christmas play”. Don’t recall a flat cap being required in my day, a dressing gown, towel and piece of cord were all that was required. It just makes me wonder what my grandparents and their contemporaries, who fought two World Wars in order to retain the freedoms that those who can remember we once held dear, would think of the once Great Britain they knew and loved. With our once great country spiralling deeper each day down into, what, only twenty or thirty years ago would have been classed a Third World country, I am sure they would have been ashamed at what politicians have done to destroy this nation. Not only are they destroying the very fabric of our society with standards of healthcare, education and law and order falling, the true British race itself is in decline, don’t just take my word for it read the report from the government’s national statistics office here.

As I forecast in an earlier blog, the way things are going I foresee massive civil unrest occurring by way of a backlash to what is happening. If anyone doubts the words of the late and great Enoch Powell in his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, then they are surely not living in the real world. It may already be too late to save what is left but I would like to think that in the next 30 years we could at lease give it a go and salvage most of what could be good about this country again. 30 years may seem like a great deal of time, but, believe me, at my age with time passing as quickly as it does, it will soon come around and when it does and if nothing has been done, the consequences are not worth thinking about. Remember, that you and I may have passed on by then but our children and grand-children will be the ones who have to deal with it. When you are enjoying your Christmas festivities with family and friends, just look at the younger members of your family and imagine what the future may hold for them and if you feel like I do, make a New Year’s resolution to actually do something about it here.


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