Sunday 23 December 2007

Any Christians Out There?

It looks like I am back on the blogging scene on a regular basis, having taken advantage of a buy now pay later offer from a well-known retailer. In a way I feel that I have to apologise for inflicting you all with my ramblings but in another I am quite pleased to have the freedom to write and publish as and when I wish. It certainly allows me the option of near instant publishing which is quite satisfying. So, I can publicly thank Father Christmas, but I won't be needing a PC now so he can now give the one he had set aside for me to another lucky person, at least I won’t have to sit on his knee. Ho Ho Ho!

I read today that the apparently once very straight-laced Women’s Institute is urging members to ban prayers from carol concerts. Jane Harris, one of their regional chairmen, has said that prayers were “not appropriate” because many WI members are not Christian. Now, I wouldn’t say I was a religious person but I was brought up in the Christian tradition when we took part in morning assembly at school when prayers and hymns were sung and the traditional carol service at Christmas when carols and prayers were part and parcel of the event. Additionally there was the nativity play held at all schools. Incidentally, I must say how pleased I was, when driving through Calne last weekend to see an open air nativity play complete with real donkey. Whoever was responsible should be congratulated for maintaining this tradition in such a format and lets hope it continues for many years to come. Despite my lack of religion, these events always gave those involved a certain feeling of togetherness and created some structure and order in the day. It seems that changing these events has removed the feelings of belonging and the sense of order and has replaced them with a selfish over-indulgence and the shallow celebrity worship. It is also interesting to note that Nick Clegg, the new Tony Blair/Dave Cameron clone replacement Lib Dem leader has publicly stated that he does not believe in God. Fair enough, I suppose, if he doesn’t, but I’m sure he has alienated many of his supporters by saying so. Great start Nicky boy, keep it up, let’s see if we can make it 4 leaders in as many years shall we?

I am sure all of the politically-correct fascists are very happy at all of this as they can rest easy in the knowledge that no-one will be offended at Christmas as a result of Christians worshiping in the way they have for hundreds of years. It’s just a shame they do not seem to realise that Christmas is a Christian festival and the majority of people in this country are, in fact, Christian, well they are for now anyway. I trust those responsible for this political correct attitude will be spending their Christmas Day doing nothing different from that which they do every other day. I would hate to think they were enjoying themselves on the most important day of the year in the Christian calendar!

I’m pleased to say that I am almost ready for Christmas despite a bit of a late start. I have grand plans to get organised much earlier next year and hopefully have all the presents and preparations well in hand long before the winter. We’ll see how it goes!

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