Tuesday 27 November 2007

Threats To Democracy

I had to check that it wasn't April Fools Day as I read the story of a British school teacher being arrested in Sudan accused of insulting those who follow Islam for allowing pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad. Perhaps the bear should have been named Jesus and then the pathetic but very serious situation she now finds herself in could have been avoided. Gillian Gibbons apparently made an innocent mistake in letting her infant pupils name the bear. Why, it’s just a name and it’s just a bear, for Christ’s sake!

I am sure boxer, Muhammad Ali, is thanking the Lord that he never went to Sudan to box. He would never have left the country alive. As it is seen as an insult to attempt to make an image of the prophet, Ms Gibbons could be sent to prison for six months, suffer 40 lashes or be fined for charges under article 125 of their criminal law which covers insults against faith and religion. The school at which she taught is now closed until January for fear of reprisals. Of the 23 children in the class 20 chose the name Muhammad. I think this is what is called democracy.

Why do these people continue to go to Islamic countries knowing how intolerant they are and with this misguided vision of converting these people to our way of life? It’s not going to happen, we should leave the Muslims to live their own way of life in their own country and stop interfering.

Talking of democracy and free speech, it is interesting to see the type of people trying to prevent Nick Griffin from addressing students at Oxford last night.

Pictures I have seen, where faces weren’t covered, have been mainly of young students. Oh and the well-know TV celebrity cat, Respect politician and honorary Muslim, George Galloway was also present. It’s always been the student’s way to protest but I wonder how many of them live in the real world and how many are from privileged backgrounds with no real understanding of what the hard-working Brit has to put up with when faced with the pressures of modern life that result from the failed attempt at creating a multi-cultural utopia. I wonder how many of those protesting have actually looked at the BNP web-site or have even read any leaflets or BNP publications. Don’t you call people who make up their minds about something without any evidence “bigots”?

If anyone has heard Nick Griffin speak they would understand that he actually says nothing that could be considered offensive and is usually quite mild, in fact, when compared to what you can hear in pubs, clubs, in the street and even from those who consider the BNP racist and offensive. It seems that the so called anti-fascists cry for no platform for the BNP has failed. In the words of Simon Darby “No platform is no more”.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Uh...if Ali is thanking anyone it is Allah, not the Lord...

And why people go to Islamic countries to prosletize is because it was one of our Lord's commands to "go to the ends of the Earth" to tell all the nations about Jesus'salvation to all who call on his holy name. Most fully realize it'll be a rough ride. qed