Saturday 17 November 2007

Children In Need, Indeed!

Here in Calne yesterday, I didn’t notice too much Children in Need activity although I am quite sure there was some. I think all of us feel the need to give a little to those less fortunate than ourselves and I am sure the majority of causes are very worthy in their own way. However, it came as something of a surprise to receive an email advising of certain alleged lucky recipients of funds contributed during the 2004 Children in Need event. I like to check my facts before I simply pass on information I receive so I contacted the Children in Need charity via their web-site to ask for details of those charities benefiting from the 2004 event. Being a charity you would think that they would be only to willing to respond with the information requested. However this is the response I received:-

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your e-mail. Unfortunately, this information is not currently in the public domain, and as such, unfortunately we are unable to provide you with the information. I am sorry if this comes as a disappointment to you, but the previous two years' grant details are available on our website, as previously stated.

Kind regards, Kate Database Information Assistant
BBC Children in Need Appeal

Very odd, I thought. If I had donated money I would like to know where it went, so I am a little suspicious as to why the information is not forthcoming. Consequently I forwarded the email to those responsible for administering the Freedom of Information Act. Apparently, according to their web-site, charities are largely exempt from the Act and therefore do not have to provide the information so we may never know. A formal response has not yet been received but when it is I will post it.

Anyway, here are a couple of the charities together with funds received, that were referred to in the email I received, whether or not they were those benefiting from the 2004 event remains to be seen.

Albanian Youth Action £41,040
Somali Teaching Group £5,670
Anjali Dance Company £5,800
Hounslow Asian & African Youth Association £15,300
Central African Youth in Enfield £4,680
Kurdish Children and Youth Centre £5,000
Greenwich Vietnam Community Youth Art Group £2,350
Oneg Shabbos Youth Club £6,200
Sudanese Children Centre £9,000
Afghan Youth Association £5,000

There were many more but I couldn’t be sure they were related to children hence possible doubts that I have that they were related to the Children in Need event. Nevertheless, I am sure they are all worthy causes but not causes that do anything to nurture this all-inclusiveness multi-cultural society we are so often told is a wonderful thing.

Now, I am happy to donate to charity if I know where my money is going and how it is going to be spent so when I am well off I will do my bit and contribute to a charity of my choice not someone elses.

I do find it a little hard to swallow, with all these well-publicised national charity events, which so many extremely rich celebrities spout off about the importance of digging deep and giving money. I work hard and am not well off so if I give any money to anyone it comes with a bit of pain. If these celebrities feel as strongly as they seem to do then would it give them much pain by donating money? When you hear multi-millionaires asking for my money I am sure that I would be more inclined to give if I knew they had given a substantial sum themselves. After all, when you earn millions, the odd million wouldn’t be missed surely. So, message to all the people that have made it big as a result of the public buying their records, watching their films and supporting their sports - prove you really do care and donate just one months earnings and let’s see what a difference that makes, just to disprove the fact that, perish the thought, you are really involved for your own publicity.


khoolasice said...

How pathetic that you try and glean political mileage out of childrens charities, what do you suggest, we choose what colour the the children are that we donate to?
Every time I think that the BNP can't sink any lower, you seem to find another level....

Unknown said...

Robert, you might try the following link for more information:

As an aside, whilst "khoolasice" is correct about you gleaning "political mileage out of childrens charities", it is also true to say that many of the beneficiaries of Children In Need have benefited from the political mileage they get for being so-called 'ethnic minority'. Indeed, some of the organisations benefiting are racial organisations with only a tenuous link to children per se. The "Africa Advocacy Foundation"?! I'm not donating to this crap. I'd rather buy a few pints down the pub.