Monday 19 November 2007

BNP Annual Conference

The British National Party Annual Conference took place in Blackpool over this last weekend, not that you would have known so if you had to rely on the mass media. Their gagging by the “powers that be” becomes more and more pathetic as they refuse to report anything about the party for fear of helping increase their popularity even further. Fortunately this seems to be having the opposite effect as membership is up and hits to the party web-site ensure the site is the most popular political website in the country.

Reports from the left-wing anti-BNP types suggest that the conference was a flop. To see what really happened have a look HERE. I was unable to attend for various reasons, so Calne was not represented, although Wiltshire was and I am looking forward to hearing all about it. The fact that the mass media didn’t report on the conference is simply irksome but does re-affirm the belief that we do not have a free press in this country. The conferences of the big three parties were reported, as you would expect, but I also saw reports regarding those of the Green Party, UKIP and Respect, the latter two of who’s conferences are likely to be their last. UKIP is struggling, an email I recently received from a UKIP insider said

“….. every UKIP meeting I have been to is stuffed with old duffers - they are simply not a credible party that is linked to the wider electorate. I have asked our local UKIP branch on a number of occasions to give up and join the BNP, but they refused. Instead, they left UKIP and are now a free-floating association who doesn't have a party to vote for. Most strange.….”.

Most strange indeed! Respect is even worse having squabbled amongst themselves and essentially split in two. The reason why the BNP are given no coverage is obvious to me in that, they are seen as a major threat to the comfy, stable political scene that this country has put up with for so long and there are many politicians who fear that this comfortable life they now experience is threatened. Too right, they have had it too easy for too long!

Whilst the BBC do not report on the BNP they are increasingly reporting on the injustices that occur in the Middle East . The last paragraph in my blog of Thursday 1st November showed my unhappiness with how this country had welcomed the Saudi king here and allowed him to lecture to us on terrorism, whilst we did not take the opportunity to lecture to him on his country’s human rights record. I wonder if the story on the BBC website on Friday would have made any difference to our cowardly politicians. The BBC reported that a Saudi woman was punished as a result of her violating laws on segregating of the sexes after she was gang-raped. Her lawyer was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in jail as a result. As a result of her appeal her initial sentence of 90 lashes was doubled and her lawyer was suspended. Hard to believe isn’t it? See Saudi Rape if you doubt me. If that’s what Islamic Law is all about then any right-minded woman (and man, for that matter) must find it abhorrent and something we most certainly do not want in this land of ours.

1 comment:

The Green Arrow said...

Your readers might like to check out The Green Arrow blog where this is a report of the pathetic UAF demonstration. Also images.

Good Luck