Thursday 21 July 2011

No Future For Me, No Future For You

The following shocked me:-

24.3% of pupils in schools in England are from an ethnic minority, up from 19.8% five years ago. In primary schools, 16.8% of pupils do not speak English as a first language; the figure for secondary schools is 12.3%. In Tower Hamlets in east London, 78% of primary pupils do not speak English as a first language. (Department of Education/The Guardian).

However, what is more shocking is that the British National Party, who at one time, looked like it could strike it big in British politics and help reverse the decay in British society are sadly today less than a shadow of what they once were due to mismanagement by it's leadership and the failure to take advantage of a potentially sympathetic public. So unless miracles occur and Andrew Brons is returned as the new BNP leader next week then all is lost. It may already be too late as the BNP has all but fallen apart and is now a laughing stock. It seems likely, if Griffin loses, to have it's infrastructure destroyed due to the vice like grip he has over it, particularly relating to it's finances.

Also sadly, we are now faced with a dilution of Nationalist support. The National Front seemed, of late, to be on the up, but have lost their way yet again. The British Freedom Party although well-intentioned are no more than a minor distraction and their off-shoot, the Freedom Democrats are no more than a minor irritation. Britain First are a little mysterious, currently a campaigning group with a hint of becoming a political party but apparently not yet as the time isn't right, a similar position to that of the English Defence League. UKIP refuse to accept BNP or ex-BNP members into their party and remain somewhat dull and ineffective most of the time. And the English Democrats still seem unable to break into the circle of trust that Nationalists have.

It may be that this is all a conspiracy to ensure that Nationalism does not gain the foothold to bring back a Britain that we can be proud of again. It may be simply just down to apathy and the unwillingness and continual failure of Nationalists to work together for the greater good. If there is any truth in the latter point then it begs the question as to whether they are true Nationalists valuing their origin and history or just prefer to be small fishes in big seas with the false importance that provides. I certainly have come across many "Nationalists" when I was active, who would "talk the talk" but find any excuse not to "walk the walk" and also those whose ego's were boosted through a "title" in a small organisation - who recognises themselves in either of these categories then?

But the serious point is that based on the above statistics, and I'm sure, much more data available elsewhere, I will be in the minority ethnic grouping during my lifetime and that matters to me.

The question we all need to ask ourselves is - do we really care? If we do surely then all the petty differences must be set aside and a way to work together found, if we don't care, then carry on and form as many political parties as you like to play at politics and pretending you'll make a difference. That's just what "the man" wants you to do.

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