Friday 17 December 2010

Seeking My Political Home – Part 3 of 3

See Part 1 for an introduction to this article and remember this was written around 15 years ago.

I had to join a party who believed in a Britain for the British, where the needs of the indigenous population were put first. I wanted a country where immigrants are not given preferential treatment in employment and housing matters and where the return of these immigrants to their own countries was deemed the best solution to the failure the multi-cultural society. Within those of ethnic minorities living in Britain there are people who have many skills, doctors, for example, which their own countries are crying out for.

I wanted a Britain that was able to retain a separate identity and control its own interests and economy, where it was possible to buy quality goods with a “Made in Britain” label on. A Britain free from a European Union, the Ecu and Brussels. A Britain which would stand up for its workers and industry,

I wanted a Britain which believed in traditional family values, one that would stand up to those wishing to infiltrate and upset his way of life.

I wanted a National Health Service whose main concern was the welfare of the people and not with determining whether adequate funds were available prior to treatment.

I wanted people to feel safe in the streets and in their homes. I wanted tougher prison sentences to help reduce the lawlessness in our society, prisons where criminals were not treated with kid gloves and where murder was punishable with the death penalty.

I wanted an independent defence force for our lands. I wanted the reintroduction of a form of National Service which would create a pride and purpose in the youth of the day resulting in a sense of responsibility to the nation.

I wanted the environment, the land, the air, the waters and the wildlife and their habitats to be properly protected.

I wanted a monarchy, a democracy and the freedom of speech for all.

The way forward was obvious. Only the National Democrats have policies which match the values and beliefs I have. It is a party which is not afraid to stand up and speak for the true British people. I believe the National Democrats are cementing the foundations in readiness to build towards government. I have been a member for three years now, there is no alternative. Only the National Democrats have the will to make Britain great again.

Well, there it is, a basic introduction to my early days in politics. Much has happened in between then and now and in future blogs I hope to fill in the gaps with general experiences, details of specific activities and thoughts I had at the time and have had in retrospect. It should include experiences as Secretary of the West Yorkshire National Front and selling The Flag at Elland Road on match days, via the National Democrats, to Wiltshire Organiser, South West Regional Chairman, Head of Personnel and Advisory Council member of the British National Party, various Red White and Blue Festivals, the Finsbury Park mosque demo and numerous elections, up to my current position as newly appointed Wiltshire Branch Chairman of the English Democrats.

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