Sunday 13 December 2009

Copenhagen - Emperors New Clothes!

"I have for a long time now thought that nothing could, or at any rate would, be done to prevent climate change.

People in wealthier countries will not accept the necessary changes in lifestyle, and people in developing countries will not abandon the attempt to achieve lifestyles comparable to those found in the West.

The activity leading to climate change is a dance of death governed by forces beyond our control.

Individuals cannot affect the situation by insulating their lofts and not leaving their TVs on standby. No country can give up its place in the dance without risking the impoverishment of its people.

The only question we need to ask is what happens when the music stops and the exhausted dancers confront their destiny? Do we wish to be a rich country facing desertification and inundation by rising sea levels, or a poor country facing the same fate?"

Letter from Gordon Broadbent, London - As published in The Independent.

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